Friends of Walgrove Elementary School
2024-2025 GoFundWE! Giving Drive
83.05% Complete (success)

NOTE: Please include your name of the student(s) you are donating on behalf of, along with their teacher(s) name(s), in the comments field so we can associate your donation. If you supported GoFundWE during the past school year, you will need to renew your donation (i.e., it does not carry over). 

Visit to learn more about what we are raising for!

Friends of Walgrove (FOW), the school’s booster club, fundraises to support programs that go above and beyond the standard LAUSD curriculum - programs focused on the arts and outdoors that set Walgrove apart from other schools.

GoFundWE! is FOW’s main fundraiser and supports annual operating expenses for all student enrichments.
Help us start the year strong by donating $1,500 per student enrolled from your family. Your donation is tax deductible!

Give all once, or monthly - it’s up to you. We recognize that finances vary from family to family and appreciate any gift you are able to provide.

And do not forget about corporate matching - check with your employer! Walgrove Families have received as much as 200% matching from companies such as SONY, Disney, Netflix, Google, Apple, and more. 

** Donations can also be made by checks/offline - while they won't show in the total above, they are all appreciated!**