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A Teacher Like You

A lot of the time, when a child is considered at-risk, one of the reasons is that they might not be considered the brightest or the best or the most important of the group. They might not be on the honor roll or their parents aren’t around as much. They’re average students, and I think […]

Wanted: Time to Collaborate

Collaboration improves student performance. A study [PDF] from the University of Pittsburgh found that fostering teamwork in schools improved student test scores. Collaboration hones #teachers’ skills. Boston College #education professor Andy Hargreaves argues that we can’t make great schools just by hiring great teachers. If schools become spaces where teachers learn alongside students, both new […]

The lessons I learned trying to teach my child generosity

what if the act of giving doesn’t come naturally or easily, but instead requires practice and patience? It is true that giving #gifts can help strengthen relationships among siblings. Studies on human behavior by psychologists, anthropologists, economists, and marketers all find that gift-giving is a “surprisingly complex and important part of human interaction, helping to […]

Numbers on stairs help kids learn to count

A simple but effective trick… that could fit into any school! “…by placing the numbers on each stair, it gets them counting in their heads” Read more: Design Detail – Numbers on stairs help kids learn to count | CONTEMPORIST This is a great idea that is relatively easily implemented.

Helpful Ways Teachers Can Work With a Class Clown

They derail lessons, steal the spotlight and, to make matters worse, sometimes they’re actually funny. It’s not easy enforcing class rules when you’re laughing. What if we looked at class clowns differently? What if, instead of seeing them as a nuisance, we saw them as gifted? A little misguided, sure, but still gifted. Read more: […]

Students Share How and Why They’d Change Education

From the wonderful MindShift blog from KQED: Students have a lot of opinions about how their #education could better serve them. We just have to ask. “I started my school year by asking my challenging my juniors with another essential question: how might we own and control our education? I’ve asked them to think about […]

Four questions that encourage growth mindset among students

When working with young people, choosing which behaviours to praise can have a profound impact. In one study, children aged one- to three-years-old who were praised for their effort were far more likely to develop a growth mindset five years later (pdf). This is because praising effort provides a template for young children to follow, […]

How to build a better teacher: Groups push a 9-point plan called TeachStrong

The groups, organized by the left-leaning Center for American Progress under the banner TeachStrong, want to make the status of teachers an issue in the 2016 presidential race and in policy discussions on the state and local levels. “We feel like this is the perfect time to bring people together who are hungry to turn […]

9 Amazing Augmented Reality Apps for Teaching

The future of teaching is here and it’s free! Augmented reality works well in schools because it brings close to real life experiences to the classrooms. It’s fascinating to see the faces of students when they have the opportunity to explore space, the human body, cells or chemistry elements. You appreciate how eager and engaged […]

Minecraft: The New Oregon Trail?

Popular game being used to teach children chemistry The aim is to engage young scientists in a fun and interactive way. Minecraft players use building blocks to create structure and landscapes. … “So why not molecules? We showed it to a class of children the other day and there were lots of wows and gasps. […]